Mega Bank Annual Report 2017

16 Mega Bank -16- Capital Overview Capital & Shares I. Source of Capital Stock Unit: NT$; share Year/Month Par Value (NT$) Authorized Capital Paid-in Capital Remark Shares Amount (NT$) Shares Amount (NT$) Source of Capital 2002/12 10 3,726,100,000 37,261,000,000 3,726,100,000 37,261,000,000 Public offering 2006/08 10 2,684,887,838 26,848,878,380 2,684,887,838 26,848,878,380 Issuance of new shares for merger 2011/10 10 389,012,162 3,890,121,620 389,012,162 3,890,121,620 Transference of un- appropriated earnings 2012/09 10 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 Issuance of common stock (Private placement) 2013/12 10 600,000,000 6,000,000,000 600,000,000 6,000,000,000 Issuance of common stock (Private placement) 2015/06 10 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 Issuance of common stock (Private placement) 2015/12 10 536,233,631 5,362,336,310 536,233,631 5,362,336,310 Issuance of common stock (Private placement) II. Type of Stock Unit: share Type Authorized Capital Remark Outstanding Shares Unissued Shares Total Shares Common Shares 8,536,233,631 0 8,536,233,631 Public offering Note: Shares have been stopped listed since the Bank joined Mega Financial Holding Company on December 31, 2002. III. Structure of Shareholders As of December 31, 2017 Government Agencies Financial Institutions Other Institutional Investors Individuals Foreign Institutional Investors & Foreigners Total Number of Shareholders 1 1 Shareholding (shares) 8,536,233,631 8,536,233,631 Percentage 100.00% 100.00% Note: 100% shares are held by Mega Financial Holding Company . IV. List of Major Shareholders As of December 31, 2017 Shareholder ’ s Name Shareholding Shares Percentage Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 8,536,233,631 100.00% Other Fund-Raising Activities I. Issuance of preferred shares, global depository receipts, and employee share subscription warrants: None. II. Mergers, acquisitions, and issuance of new shares due to acquisition of shares of other companies: None.