Mega Bank Annual Report 2017

115 Annual Report 2017 226! (4) Significant transactions between parent company and subsidiaries Unit: In NT Thousand Dollars No. (Note 1) Company Counterparty Relationship (Note 2) Details of transactions Account Amount Conditions Percentage (%) of total consolidated net revenues or assets (Note 3) 0 Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Mega ICBC (Canada) 1 Due from Commercial Banks $ 117,479 No significant difference from general customers 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Call Loans to Banks 129,776 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Due to Other Banks 143,781 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Receivables 5 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Interest Revenue 505 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Interest Expenses 361 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ Mega ICBC (Thailand) 1 Due from Commercial Banks 17,030 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Call Loans to Banks - ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Due to Other Banks 483,146 ″ 0.02% 0 ″ ″ 1 Call Loans from other banks 40,738 ″ 0.00% 0 ″ ″ 1 Interest Revenue 2,887 ″ 0.01% 0 ″ ″ 1 Interest Expenses 2,136 ″ 0.00% 1 Mega ICBC (Canada) Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. 2 Due from Commercial Banks 143,781 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ ″ 2 Due to Other Banks 117,479 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ ″ 2 Call Loans from other banks 129,776 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ ″ 2 Payables 5 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ ″ 2 Interest Revenue 361 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ ″ 2 Interest Expenses 505 ″ 0.00% 1 ″ Mega ICBC (Thailand) 3 Due to Other Banks 475 ″ 0.00% 2 Mega ICBC (Thailand) Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. 2 Due from Commercial Banks 483,146 ″ 0.02% 2 ″ ″ 2 Call Loans to Banks 40,738 ″ 0.00% 2 ″ ″ 2 Due to Other Banks 17,030 ″ 0.00% 2 ″ ″ 2 Call loans from other banks - ″ 0.00% 2 ″ ″ 2 Interest Revenue 2,136 ″ 0.00% 2 ″ ″ 2 Interest Expenses 2,887 ″ 0.01% 2 ″ Mega ICBC (Canada) 3 Due from Commercial Banks 475 ″ 0.00% (Note 1) The numbers in the No. column represent as follows: 1. 0 for the parent company 2. According to the sequential order, subsidiaries are numbered from 1. (Note 2) Relationship between transaction company and counterparty is classified into the following three categories; 1. Parent company to subsidiary. 2. Subsidiary to parent company. 3. Subsidiary to subsidiary. (Note 3) Regarding percentage of transaction amount to consolidated total operating revenues or total assets, it is computed based on period- end balance of transaction to consolidated total assets for balance sheet accounts and based on accumulated transaction amount for the period to consolidated total operating revenues for income statement accounts.