Mega Bank Annual Report 2017

107 Annual Report 2017 218! J. Loans ! December 31, 2017 (Unit: In NT Thousand dollars) Types Number of accounts or names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Default possibility Collateral Whether terms and conditions of the related party transactions are different from those of transactions with third parties. Normal loans Overdue accounts Consumer loans for employees 7 $ 3,165 $ 2,639 V None None Home mortgage loans 80 560,330 514,268 V Real estate None Other loans 3 66,680 56,291 V Real estate None December 31, 2017 (Unit: In US Thousand dollars) Types Number of accounts or names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Default possibility Collateral Whether terms and conditions of the related party transactions are different from those of transactions with third parties. Normal loans Overdue accounts Consumer loans for employees 7 $ 107 $ 89 V None None Home mortgage loans 80 18,899 17,346 V Real estate None Other loans 3 2,249 1,899 V Real estate None December 31, 2016 (Unit: In NT Thousand dollars) Types Number of accounts or names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Default possibility Collateral Whether terms and conditions of the related party transactions are different from those of transactions with third parties. Normal loans Overdue accounts Consumer loans for employees 11 $ 11,383 $ 3,933 V None None Home mortgage loans 77 564,202 509,838 V Real estate None Other loans 2 95,211 55,716 V Real estate None K. Financial guarantees for related parties: (Unit: In NT Thousand dollars) Date Names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Provision for guarantee reserve Rate Collateral December 31, 2017 Chung Kuo Insurance $ 9,066 $ 8,840 $ 126 1% The bank’s deposits (Unit: In US Thousand dollars) Date Names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Provision for guarantee reserve Rate Collateral December 31, 2017 Chung Kuo Insurance $ 306 $ 298 $ 4 1% The bank’s deposits (Unit: In NT Thousand dollars) Date Names of related party Highest balance Ending balance Provision for guarantee reserve Rate Collateral December 31, 2016 Chung Kuo Insurance $ 9,626 $ 9,603 $ 128 1% The bank’s deposits L. Information on remunerations to the Bank’s directors, supervisors, general managers and vice general manager: For the year ended December 31 2017 2016 NT$ US$ NT$ Salaries and other short-term employee benefits $ 77,421 $ 2,612 $ 78,102 Post-employment benefits 1,759 59 1,975 Total $ 79,180 $ 2,671 $ 80,077 12. PLEDGED ASSETS The Bank’s assets as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have not been pledged.